The Design Excellence Competition

Over the past months we have been working on the design excellence competition in collaboration with the City of Sydney Council, expert technical advisors and an industry leading Selection Panel.

The Design Excellence Competition

Over the past months we have been working on the design excellence competition in collaboration with the City of Sydney Council, expert technical advisors and an industry leading Selection Panel.

Achieving Outstanding Design

 This initiative, aimed at fostering design excellence and innovation, has been an incredible journey toward achieving outstanding architectural and urban design standards.

The competition, underscores our shared commitment to promoting exemplary design practices and creating inspiring urban spaces. The process has involved rigorous evaluation and creative exploration, with a focus on selecting a design that truly embodies innovation and excellence and reflects the significant historical and locational attributes, whilst looking to the future of the site. We are proud to announce that the winning design is by Bates Smart, whose vision stood out for its exceptional creativity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.

Throughout community consultation we heard the top design priorities for the community were:

The need for unique, quality design that is appealing and innovative

To maximise sunlight within the development and to create a open-air shopping experience to create a high quality local destination

A layout that is open and green

This winning design not only meets the high standards set forth by the community and our neighbours but also aligns with our mission to enhance the urban landscape with thoughtful and innovative architecture.

The existing mature trees ground the development in the neighbourhood, establishing character and a connection to nature. They provide outlook, habitat, shade and shelter, and beauty. Their retention also presents very specific constraints, however these have been navigated through a finessed streetscape and architectural nuance.Bringing together the functional provision of retail, office and residential uses and the delicacy of nature.

The design of the site focuses on:

• Architecture that responds to Country and the historic context of Waterloo

• A high-quality public domain focused around an intimate and engaging retail plaza.

• Active, safe and legible pedestrian connections to create a permeable site, including new public pedestrian laneway and activation of all frontages

• Integration of existing trees with extensive understorey planters and roof terraces.

• A building form that utilises materiality to reflect the uses and form to optimise the value of space and amenity.

Next Steps

In the coming months we will be preparing and lodging our Development Application and will share more information on the plans and design as it progresses. We will continue to keep you updated as the project continues to be refined.

“At its best, urban living offers everything you need. The conveniences and pleasures of public life. Shared experiences and a sense of community. And the sanctuary and comforts of home. This development presents the opportunity to provide all of that, and more. It’s a genuinely urban proposition, with an intensity that comes with a full line supermarket, ‘on-demand retail’, specialty shops, and commercial building. Each of these uses brings activity but also specific requirements.”


“At its best, urban living offers everything you need. The conveniences and pleasures of public life. Shared experiences and a sense of community. And the sanctuary and comforts of home. This development presents the opportunity to provide all of that, and more. It’s a genuinely urban proposition, with an intensity that comes with a full line supermarket, ‘on-demand retail’, specialty shops, and commercial building. Each of these uses brings activity but also specific requirements.”


By 2025, Woolworths supermarkets will

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In line with Woolworths Group Sustainability Plan 2025