We consulted with the community

We seek to understand community values and aspirations and reflect these in our plans. We have engaged directly with over 400 residents who provided feedback on the priorities and aspirations of the community. Throughout this consultation process we sought to listen to the community and it provided valuable input that has been incorporated into the design. We thank the community for their feedback and views, it has been vital in shaping the plans for the site.

We consulted with the community

We seek to understand community values and aspirations and reflect these in our plans. We have engaged directly with over 400 residents who provided feedback on the priorities and aspirations of the community. Throughout this consultation process we sought to listen to the community and it provided valuable input that has been incorporated into the design. We thank the community for their feedback and views, it has been vital in shaping the plans for the site.

Community Benefits

We heard from the community that the most important benefits were:

A premium food and retail destination for shopping close to home.

A high-quality public plaza as part of the proposed development.

Targeting a
sustainable development.

“You have the opportunity to create something really bland, or really special. It is as huge responsibility so please make it special.”

“You have the opportunity to create something really bland, or really special. It is as huge responsibility so please make it special.”

Key Features

Specialty retail and open space

We heard from the community the importance of maximising sunlight within the development to create an open-air shopping experience that is people and pet friendly, provides spaces to meet, and a high quality local destination.

We’re proposing a mix of around 10 specialty retail shops or services either side of the plaza which will complement the new full-line Woolworths, and other shops and services locally.

Outdoor seating is proposed as part of the new retail to provide a welcoming space to connect with family and friends. We are committed to creating an inviting, interesting mix of shops and food and dining options to meet the needs of the community and Council for a walkable, inviting village, now and into the future.

    Quality living

    We’re proposing 115 residential apartments across two buildings, which includes a mix of studio apartments, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments and ground floor terrace style apartments facing Young Street.

    In line with Council’s Affordable Housing strategy, a number of apartments to meet the needs of local key workers and other eligible households are proposed.

    Apartments have been designed to maximise natural light, ventilation, and a landscaped courtyard is proposed between the two residential buildings to provide communal open space for residents. We have undertaken a design competition to ensure the building demonstrates Design Excellence.

    Quality spaces

    We heard from the community the need for improvements to the surrounding streetscape to align with the design of the development.

    We are proposing to retain a number of the existing street trees along Bourke, McEvoy, Young Street as part of our landscaping plans. A rooftop garden is proposed on the commercial building, which could be used by local education groups or cultural programs.

    “Provide outdoor space for the residents and their dogs. All the local parks are overused and cannot manage.”

    “Provide outdoor space for the residents and their dogs. All the local parks are overused and cannot manage.”

    Woolworths & the Community


    Almost half of local residents shop outside of the local area to meet their fresh food needs, based on our initial economic studies.

    As part of our plans, we are proposing a full-line Woolworths supermarket for shopping closer to home for current and future residents.


    The proposed supermarket would be a best in class supermarket, with a significant focus on sustainability, customer convenience, and innovation. 

    This will include opportunities to test and trial innovative new concepts that could be rolled-out across other new Woolworths supermarkets – which could include local food production or sustainability programs.


    We’re committed to community and support programs and partnerships that support community. 

    As part of our Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program, 12 schools, and Early Learning Centres in the City of Sydney were supported in 2021, with grant contributions supporting local food production and gardening projects.


    100% of our supermarkets have programs in place to keep surplus food out of landfill, including our food rescue partnership with OzHarvest, and Food for Wildlife program with WIRES. 

    Through our local supplier partnership program, we support independent food retailers and suppliers across Sydney, including The Bread & Butter Project.

    New local jobs

    Woolworths has a long history in the City of Sydney, with our first ever Woolworths store opening in the original Pitt Street Arcade in 1924. Today, almost 100 years later, we employ over 1,200 team members across the local government area.

    A new full-line Woolworths supermarket and specialty retail will create around 290 local jobs.

    We consulted with the community in late 2021

    To understand local views and priorities, including on two different concept plans for Woolworths Waterloo.

    We consulted with the
    community in late 2021

    To understand local views and priorities, including on
    two different concept plans for Woolworths Waterloo.

    How We Engaged

    Our vision is for a high quality retail, commercial, and residential development with innovation, sustainability, and community at its heart. 

    We engaged with the local community in late 2021 through:


    People attended our online information session


    People completed an online feedback survey


    Residents & businesses reached via letterbox drops


    Residents & businesses reached via project flyers


    People visited the project website – providing detailed information about the two concept plans

    Meetings with community & cultural groups.
    A 1800 number and email for enquiries and feedback.

    We will continue to engage with the community as planning progresses, including during the future Public Exhibition period for the Development Application.

    We will continue to engage
    with the community as planning progresses, including during the future Public Exhibition period for
    the Development Application.

    Community Feedback

    Key feedback we heard included support for

    “The buildings should be low-level in keeping with other buildings on the western side of Bourke Street.”

    “The buildings should be low-level in keeping with other buildings on the western side of Bourke Street.”

    Key Community Feedback

    “Really well designed and thought-out space, including outdoor dining; cafe’s, bars (small business) and community space for hangouts and community activities or live cultural activities, music etc.”

    “Really well designed and
    thought-out space, including outdoor dining; cafe’s, bars (small business) and community activities or live cultural activities, music etc.”